Search Results
Approaches and Tools of Genome Scale Metabolic Modelling
Genome-scale metabolic modelling reveals key... - Jean-Christophe Lachance - SysMod - ISMB 2020
Mechanistic modeling of genome scale molecular interaction networks
Building community scale gut microbiome metabolic models for a diverse human cohort | Bohmann
Introduction to Metabolic Modeling in KBase Webinar - 1 April 2020
Microbiome Metabolic Modeling in KBase Webinar - 15 April 2020
Lecture 1.5 - ATP Requirements | Genome Scale Metabolic Models
Lecture 1.1 - Metabolic Networks | Genome Scale Metabolic Models
Metabolic modelling: FBA and MCA approaches
Lecture 6.1 - SBML Format | Genome Scale Metabolic Models
Lecture 7.1 - Minimization of Metabolic Adjustment (MOMA) | Genome Scale Metabolic Models
An updated genome-scale metabolic network... - Dawson D. Payne - SysMod - Talk - ISMB/ECCB 2021